Check my CV here for more info.
Undergraduate student at Weiyang College, Tsinghua University.
I am officially in my fourth year of undergraduate study, but I plan to delay my graduation by one year due to the pace of my academic progress. Thus I plan to apply for PhD programs in statistics in 2026 Fall.
Programming: R, Python, LaTeX, Git
Language: Chinese (native), English (TOEFL 108 (R30/L26/S23/W29)), French (second foreign language)
Publications & Manuscripts
(* indicates equal contribution.)
(Preprint) Xinyuan Fan*, Feiyan Ma*, Chenlei Leng, Weichi Wu. “Low-Rank Approaches to Graphon Learning in Networks”. (link)
Research Experiences
Low-Rank Approaches to Graphon Learning in Networks
Supervised by Prof. Weichi Wu and Prof. Chenlei Leng.
We propose a novel approach that directly leverages a low-rank representation of the graphon for parsimonious modeling. This representation naturally yields both a low-rank connection probability matrix and a low-rank graphon — two tasks that are often infeasible in existing literature — while also addressing the well-known identification issues in graphon estimation.
By exploiting the additive structure of this representation, we develop an efficient sequential fitting algorithm that estimates the low-rank connection matrix using subgraph counts and reconstructs the graphon function through interpolation.
We provide the convergence rate of our method, and validate its computational efficiency and estimation accuracy through comprehensive simulation studies.
Relevant Courses
My official transcript can be found here.
Undergraduate Core Courses: Probability Theory (1) (A+), Measures and Integrals (A), Numerical Analysis (A), Basic Functional Analysis (A), Linear Regression Analysis (A-), Statistical Inference (A-), Reliability Data and Survival Analysis (A), …
Other Relevant Courses: Abstract Algebra (A), Topology (A), Differential Geometry (A), Financial Statistics (A+), Operation Research (A), Intro to Biostatistics (A), Intro to Optimization Theory (A-), Topics in Logics (A), Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra (A-), Partial Differential Equations (ongoing), …
Graduate-Level Courses: Advanced Mathematical Statistics I (A), Advanced Mathematical Statistics II (A-), Computational Probability (A), Probability (2) (B+), Statistical Analysis of Network Data (ongoing), Advanced Statistical Methodology (ongoing)
Honors & Awards
Honorable Mention, 2024 Mathematical Contest in Modeling. (Feb 2024)
Gold Medal, The 19th China Girls Mathematical Olympiad (CGMO). (Aug 2020)
First Prize, National High School Mathematics League, Shanghai Region. (Sep 2020)